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Disability Access Services is moving to a new accommodation software that will better serve the needs of our students and community. This is exciting news; however, 这意味着当新系统上线时,当前系统正在离线. 在7月1日之前,DAS将无法接受住宿请求. 如果您有任何问题,请直接与DAS联系: [email protected]


Disability Access Services (DAS) partners with Concordia University Irvine staff and faculty to make sure courses and programs are accessible for students who have requested accommodations. Staff and faculty are encouraged to reach out to DAS 关于实现、推广和创建可访问内容的指导.

Exam Proctor Form

View our glossary of the most commonly approved accommodations >>

Syllabus Statement


访问和住宿:你在这门课上的经历对我很重要. 如果你已经建立了残疾人士无障碍服务设施(DAS), please communicate your approved accommodations to me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course. If you have not yet established services through DAS, 但有心理/学习/身体残疾需要照顾, you are welcome to contact DAS at 949-214-3039 or [email protected]. It is the policy and practice of Concordia University to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. 请注意,课程讲课可能会被录音, when necessary, to fulfill a disability accommodation. Please visit the DAS webpage for further ADA information.

Event Statement

If you are promoting an on-campus event, 请考虑在海报和传单上加入以下声明:

If you have accessibility concerns about this event, 请联系[此处包括活动协调人的赌博十大平台排行].

Event coordinators are welcome to reach out to DAS to brainstorm ways events can be more inclusive and accessible for students.

Roles & Responsibilities

Instructors have a right to:

  • 要求学生需要住宿的学生从DAS获得书面通知.
  • Maintain the University’s academic and instructional standards in that the accommodations should not fundamentally alter the course content.
  • 根据学校政策制定迟到和出勤政策.

Instructors have responsibilities to:

  • Provide these accommodations as part of the University’s mission in providing equal access to all students.
  • 联系残疾人服务中心,要求澄清或支持住宿.
  • 对学生的残疾信息保密. 信息只应与那些有教育需要的人分享.
  • 任何要求住宿但尚未设置住宿的学生,请参阅DAS.
  • 每学期至少与学生讨论一次住宿问题.
  • Include an ADA statement in your course syllabus.

Remember, you may not:

  • Ask a student about their disability.
  • 向其他学生透露学生的住宿细节.
  • Unilaterally deny a student’s approved accommodation.

Best Practices

Faculty and Staff play a crucial role in making Concordia University Irvine a welcoming and accessible campus.

The following are examples of teaching techniques that benefit all students but are especially useful for students who have disabilities. 通过模拟这些实践,我们还帮助学生更包容地思考世界.

  • 制作电子格式的简短作业表和阅读清单.g., email, Blackboard).
  • Face the class when speaking. Repeat discussion questions. Verbally describe pictures and graphs.
  • Turn on captions for all videos, regardless of your classroom having a student with hearing loss.
  • 采用通用设计原则,使所有学习者都能接触到课程内容.
  • Write key phrases and lecture outlines on the whiteboard or identify them in the PowerPoint.
  • 在描述残疾人时,一定要把人放在第一位. First and foremost, people are people; secondly, 他们可能会遇到一个或多个功能限制. Thus, they should be referred to as “students with disabilities,” rather than “disabled students.避免使用“残疾人”、“受害者”、“特殊需要”和“普通学生”等术语.”
  • Be aware that many students are extremely uncomfortable contacting instructors to discuss their accommodation needs.
  • 所有与学生的讨论都是保密的. 问学生他们面临的挑战是什么,过去有什么帮助.

The following are some campus-wide practices that benefit the entire Concordia University Irvine community:

  • 在活动海报和传单上加入无障碍声明(想想交通工具), food, and accessible media).
  • Ensure the space is physically accessible. Keep aisles and doorways free from physical barriers.
  • 向504协调员简·多尔蒂报告无法操作的按钮开门器.
  • 允许服务犬陪伴校园残障人士. When it is not obvious the dog is a service dog, 你可以问两个问题:(1)狗是否因为残疾而被需要? (2)狗被训练去做什么工作或任务?
  • Refer to the Disability Language Style Guide for questions of word choice.

How to:

Frequently Asked Questions


残障人士服务中心在每学期开始时会通过电子邮件发送学术录取通知书, 或者在学生要求这种交流的时候. 这些电子邮件是通过Maxient(一个软件程序)发送的。, 学术访问信以PDF格式附在邮件中.

What do I do if a student asks me for assistance in my class beyond what I offer to other students, 或者告诉我他们有残疾,而我还没有收到学术录取通知书?

Direct the student to contact DAS. 如果你还没有收到DAS的住宿信, then the student has most likely not registered with our office to received approved accommodations. 如果学生目前在你的课程中接受住宿, 你可以自由地为学生提供额外的住宿, but please consider cc’ing DAS on such agreements in order that we have record of when additional accommodations are granted.

Additional accommodations should in no way change the course’s goals or alter the academic requirements.


Students are instructed to follow up with professors if they intend on using the accommodations in that class. Some classes are already accessible, in which case a student may not request accommodations. When a notetaker is requested, DAS will email professors a recruitment statement to post for class. When accessible media is needed, instructors are responsible for sending materials to DAS to be converted into accessible formats.

Remember, you may not ask a student what their disability is; however, 学生可以自愿向你透露他们的残疾, which DAS supports and encourages.

How are accommodations determined?

Information from a student’s documentation helps guide DAS in determining reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are meant to provide equal access; they do not guarantee success or necessarily fit a student’s preferred learning style.

我班上有一个学生短期生病或受伤. Do they receive accommodations?

Students often experience a temporary medical condition, such as an injury, surgery, or illness. Typically, these do not qualify students for ADA accommodations since they are not permanent disabilities; however, DAS recognizes that temporary medical conditions still impact a student’s learning experience. 教授和学生可以共同制定学术安排, OR professors can refer students to DAS, 我们将在哪里帮助他们制定沟通计划.

What are reasonable accommodations?

适应是对通常做事方式的修改. The purpose of effective accommodations is to provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate and benefit from college.

The following are examples of the most common accommodations that permit a student with a disability to effectively participate in the educational process:

  • Changes to a classroom environment or task: extended time for an exam, isolated testing location;
  • Removal of architectural barriers: adapting a classroom to meet the needs of a student who uses a wheelchair;
  • Exceptions to policies, 实践或程序:优先注册或提前获得任务;
  • 提供辅助帮助和服务:提供手语翻译, or providing a note-taker or scribe.

What is considered an unreasonable accommodation?

康考迪亚大学不需要提供住宿, 接纳或继续接纳残疾人士参加任何课程, program, 服务或活动或提供教育机会和其他服务,当:

  • The educational standards or mission of Concordia University would be substantially altered;
  • 课程、项目、服务或活动的性质将从根本上改变;
  • The student is not otherwise qualified (with or without accommodations) to meet the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in an education course, program, service or activity;
  • An undue financial or administrative hardship (university-wide) would be caused by the accommodation; and
  • 如果个人会对自己或他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁.
  • Additionally, CU不需要提供个人性质的住宿, 如个人护理人员或个人使用的设备.


Concordia faculty and staff have a responsibility to satisfy obligations of compliance under ADA statutes and regulations.

Accommodations must be requested within a reasonable timeframe and must be reasonable given the situation. When reasonableness clearly exists, instructors must coordinate the appropriate accommodation. When questions about reasonableness exist, 教师应向DAS咨询如何最好地解决这种情况: [email protected], 949-214-3039.

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